Nesting Products
We provide a number of products to help with setting up Nesting Boxes for our local cavity nesting birds. Below are recommendations for our most popular local cavity nesters - Bluebirds
There are three species of bluebirds found in North America, including Eastern, Western and Mountain Bluebirds. They prefer open spaces with few trees like suburban lawns, golf courses and parks. Bluebirds use nest boxes, and they can be attracted to feeders.
Recommended Housing
To entice bluebirds to nest in your yard, we recommend using the Wild Birds Unlimited Bluebird House. Officially approved by the North American Bluebird Society, this house provides protection from weather and extreme temperatures and features the proper dimensions and other amenities bluebirds desire. In addition, the roof opens for viewing eggs and babies, and the side opens for easy cleaning. Available in durable wood or recycled plastic.
Using the Wild Birds Unlimited Advanced Pole System®, place the house at a safe, desired height of about five feet. This height is optimum for bluebirds, and it allows you to easily monitor their progress.
Use the Wild Birds Unlimited Raccoon Baffle to prevent squirrels, raccoons, snakes or other predators from getting to the nest.
Recommended Foods
To attract the most bluebirds to your feeders, we recommend offering mealworms, Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter® and Bark Butter Bits. We carry a variety of feeders that you can use to offer these foods to your birds.
Mealworms are ideal for providing the necessary protein and nutrients to adult bluebirds and their babies.
Jim’s Birdacious Bark Butter is the perfect blend of protein and fat, and it will keep them going regardless of the weather.
Bark Butter Bits contain calcium and may support healthier bones and eggs for mother birds and their babies.